发布人:生命科学学院  发布时间:2024-06-21   浏览次数:1054

孟状,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,国家自然科学基金青年基金获得者,新疆维吾尔自治区天池英才青年博士人才支持计划获得者,石河子大学青年拔尖人才计划入选者。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、新疆生产建设兵团自然科学基金面上项目基金、新疆维吾尔自治区青年博士人才基金等项目6项;主要从事植物染色体进化生物学研究,目前以第一或共同作者身份在The Plant Journal, Horticulture Research, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Industrial Crops and Products, The Crop Journal, Genome Biology, Plant Communication, BMC Plant Biology, Frontiers in Plant Science等国际主流SCI期刊上发表16篇文章。



2018.09-2022.06 福建农林大学 海峡联合研究院基因组与生物技术研究中心 博士

2016.09-2018.06 福建农林大学 海峡联合研究院基因组与生物技术研究中心 硕士

2012.09-2016.06 石河子大学   农学院  学士



2023.09-至今 石河子大学生命科学学院  副教授

2024.01-至今 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所与中国彩棉(集团)股份有限公司,博士后

2022.06-2023.09 一层次人才引进到石河子大学生命科学学院






1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,32400496,紫花苜蓿复合体比较染色体图谱构建及染色体结构分化研究,2025-2027,在研,主持;

2. 新疆生产建设兵团自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,2024DA021,甘草属染色体精准核型的构建、亲缘进化关系研究及染色体工程育种培育优质甘草种质,2024-2026,在研,主持;

3. 新疆维吾尔自治区,天池英才青年博士人才项目,基于染色体涂染的FISH技术绘制新疆苜蓿属主要物种的精准核型,2023-2025,在研,主持;

4. 新疆维吾尔自治区,优秀博士后资助项目,彩棉三系杂交育种中有色棉和无色棉亲本间重复序列结构组成鉴定及特异分子标记开发,2024,在研,主持;

5. 石河子大学基金,青年拔尖计划项目BJZK202403,三种药典甘草重复序列组成鉴定及育种应用,2025-2027,在研,主持;

6. 石河子大学基金,高层次人才科研启动资金项目,RCZK202362,紫花苜蓿分子细胞遗传图谱的构建和初步应用,2023-2026,在研,主持;




1. Zhuang Meng, Qian Zheng, Shandang Shi, Wei Wang, Fei Wang, Quanliang Xie, Xifeng Chen, Haitao Shen, Guanghui Xiao, and Hongbin Li, Whole chromosome oligo-painting in licorice unveil interspecific chromosomal evolutionary relationships and possible origin of triploid genome species. The Plant Journal (2024)(中科院分区:大类一区,Top期刊)第一作者;

2. Zhuang Meng, Qian Zheng, Wei Wang, Yuanbin Zhu, Yuanhao Li, Fulin Dong, Wenjun Luo, Zhiliang Zhang, Fei Wang, Haitao Shen, Quanliang Xie, Hongbin Li, Oligo-FISH barcode chromosome identification system provides novel insights into the natural chromosome aberrations propensity in the autotetraploid cultivated alfalfa. Horticulture Research (2024)(中科院分区:大类一区,Top期刊)第一作者兼通讯作者;

3. Zhuang Meng; Shandang Shi; Haitao Shen; Quanliang Xie; Hongbin Li*, Haplotype-specific chromosome painting provides insights into the chromosomal characteristics in self-duplicating autotetraploid sugarcane. Industrial Crops and Products 202, 117085 (2023)(中科院分区:大类一区,Top期刊)第一作者;

4. Xin Zhang*; Zhuang Meng*; Jinlei Han; Haris Khurshid; Ayman Esh; Robert Hasterok; Kai Wang, Characterization of meiotic chromosome behavior in the autopolyploid Saccharum spontaneum reveals preferential chromosome pairing without distinct DNA sequence variation[J]. The Crop Journal, 2023, 11(5): 1550-1558.(中科院分区:大类一区,Top期刊)共同第一作者;

5. Zhuang Meng*; Fei Wang; Quanliang Xie; Rong Li; Haitao Shen; Hongbin Li*, Reconstruction of karyotypic evolution in Saccharum spontaneum species by comparative oligo-FISH mapping[J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22(1): 599.(中科院分区:大类二区)第一作者兼通讯作者;

6. Zhuang Meng; Jinlei Han; Yujing Lin; Yiyong Zhao; Qingfang Lin; Xiaokai Ma; Jianping Wang; Muqing Zhang; Liangsheng Zhang; Qinghui Yang; Kai Wang, Characterization of a Saccharum spontaneum with a basic chromosome number of x=10 provides new insights on genome evolution in genus Saccharum, Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133 (2020) 187-199.(中科院分区:大类一区,Top期刊)第一作者;

7. Zhuang Meng; Qinnan Wang; Haris Khurshid; Ghulam Raza; Jinlei Han; Baohua Wang; Kai Wang, Chromosome painting provides insights into the genome structure and evolution of sugarcane, Frontiers in Plant Science.12 (2021) 1890.(中科院分区:大类二区,Top期刊)第一作者;

8. Zhuang Meng; Zhiliang Zhang; Tianying Yan; Qingfang Lin; Yu Wang; Weiyuan Huang; Yongji Huang; Zhanjie Li; Qingyi Yu; Jianping Wang; Kai Wang, Comprehensively Characterizing the Cytological Features of Saccharum spontaneum by the Development of a Complete Set of Chromosome-Specific Oligo Probes, Frontiers in Plant Science. 9 (2018) 1624.(中科院分区:大类二区,Top期刊)第一作者;

9. Zhuang, Meng; Xiaoxu, Hu; Zhiliang, Zhang; Zhanjie, Li; Qingfang, Lin; Mei, Yang; Pingfang, Yang; Ray, Ming; Qingyi, Yu; Kai Wang, Chromosome Nomenclature and Cytological Characterization of Sacred Lotus, Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 153 (2018) 223-231.(中科院分区:大类四区)第一作者;

10. Wang, Jiayin, Zhuang Meng, Huan He, Pingping Du, Paul P. Dijkwel, Shandang Shi, Hongbin Li, and Quanliang Xie. 2024. Genome-Wide Analysis of BBX Gene Family in Three Medicago Species Provides Insights into Expression Patterns under Hormonal and Salt Stresses International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 11: 5778.(中科院分区:大类二区)共同第一作者;


11. Yumin Huang; Wei Huang; Zhuang Meng; Guilherme Tomaz Braz; Yunfei Li; Kai Wang; Hai Wang; Jinsheng Lai; Jiming Jiang; Zhaobin Dong; Weiwei Jin, Megabase-scale presence-absence variation with Tripsacum origin was under selection during maize domestication and adaptation, Genome Biology. 22 (2021) 237.(中科院分区:大类一区,Top期刊)

12. Zhenzhen Xu; Jiedan Chen; Shan Meng; Peng Xu; Caijiao Zhai; Fang Huang; Qi Guo; Liang Zhao; Yonggang Quan; Yixin Shangguan; Zhuang Meng; …X. Shen*. Chromosome-level assembly of Gossypium anomalum genome facilitates interspecific introgression breeding, Plant Communication. (2022) 100350.(中科院分区:大类一区Top期刊);

13. Wenpan, Zhang; Sheng, Zuo; Zhanjie, Li; Zhuang, Meng; Jinlei, Han; Junqi, Song; Yong-Bao, Pan; Kai, Wang. Wang, Isolation and characterization of centromeric repetitive DNA sequences in Saccharum spontaneum, Scientific Reports. 7 (2017) 41659.(中科院分区:大类三区);

14. He, Huan, Jiayin Wang, Zhuang Meng, Paul P. Dijkwel, Pingping Du, Shandang Shi, Yuxuan Dong, Hongbin Li, and Quanliang Xie. 2024. Genome-Wide Analysis of the SRPP/REF Gene Family in Taraxacum kok-saghyz Provides Insights into Its Expression Patterns in Response to Ethylene and Methyl Jasmonate Treatments International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 13: 6864. (中科院分区:大类二区);

15. 董宇宣,王家荫,孟状,马西青,张栋海,张卓文... & 谢全亮.(2024).不同氮肥对南疆地区苜蓿饲草产量与品质的影响.饲料研究(05),89-93.

16. Shi, Shandang, Rui Tang, Xiaoyun Hao, Shouwu Tang, Wengang Chen, Chao Jiang, Mengqian Long, Kailu Chen, Xiangxiang Hu, Quanliang XieShuangquan Xie, Zhuang Meng, AsigulIsmayil, XiangJin, Fei Wang, Haifeng Liu, Hongbin Li.  Integrative Transcriptomic and Metabolic Analyses Reveal That Flavonoid Biosynthesis Is the Key Pathway Regulating Pigment Deposition in Naturally Brown Cotton Fibers Plants 2024.13, no. 15: 2028. (中科院分区:大类二区);







